Hans Schwarz’s career actually began as a butcher, hence his nickname, “The Butcher”. Hans is a true “Burgenlander” which means he is a hunter and a farmer. His vines lay perched atop a plot in the unusually warm Andau sub-region of Burgenland, with a soil and sun exposure considered to be the greatest in all of Austria for dry red wines.
In the beginning, with the exception of a small production of the house wine “Giovanni”, the Schwarz family primarily grew and sold their grapes to the local winegrower’s cooperative and wine master Alois Kracher. Enthusiastic about the excellent quality of the grapes, Alois encouraged him to try his hand as a winemaker. With the help of Kracher and Manfred Krankl (Sine Qua Non winery), the first wine under its own name came onto the market in 1999.
Following the success story of Hans Schwarz, his son Michael took over the winery in 2017, who had previously gained professional experience on the Saar, Mallorca, southern France and Australia.